"What story were you thinking of Bitt?"
"Just your average story."
"That's not very informative..."
"It's just a story I was told before coming here."
"Well come on then. What's it about?"
"Fineydoodles. It's the story of Violet Moore."
"Sounds marvy."
"Be quiet Fury."

"Apparently around ten years ago, there was a young girl called Violet Moore. She was a pretty girl but very sensitive. Anything was able to hurt her feelings, thus she didn't have any friends and devoted the majority of her time to her boyfriend. She lived in a house with her mother and an older step brother. Her stepfather had died a year before, leaving the step brother in the care of her mother."

"One day her boyfriend asked her to meet her in their usual place. The park. She skipped gleefully towards him. Almost prancing in delight at seeing his face."

"However when she got there and tried to hug him. He declined. She frowned and then smiled, thinking he was playing a joke. She attempted to hug him again. To no avail."

"Her boyfriend, Sam, began to explain how 'uncomfortable circumstances' had caused him to see a different side to their relationship. He was ending it. There and then."

"He left quickly. Anger rushed through Violet's body. She clenched her fists in frustration yet wishing that he would come back and say it was all a lie. To hug her close and whisper sweet nothings into her ear."

"As the day drew to an end, Violet still hadn't left the park. She had remained by the fountain, swirling the water around her finger. Every so often her tears would disturb the patterns she was making in the water. She didn't notice. However eventually she knew she must leave. Her mother was not home, she was away on a business course, and her step brother was taking care of her. If anything at all, you did not want to make Violet's step brother angry."

"Violet arrived home. Half an hour after her curfew. She nervously walked through the front door. Her throat burned with dryness as her step brother watched her every move. He remained silent. She closed the door behind her. Taking one...single...step at a time. She breathes in deeply as she passes Harry. Suddenly fear clutches at her heart."

"Harry had grabbed her. Securing him to herself. Tears trickled down her face as he stroked the sides of her arms. Throughout that night, no one heard Violet screaming for help."

"I'm sorry, what? What just happened?" Meg's comment pulls everyone out of the trance they were in. "You mean to tell me that he...her stepbrother..."
"That's grossly unpleasant. What sort of story are you telling us Bitten?"
"Erm...an amazing joyful story?"
Meg snorts and rolls her eyes. "I'll let you continue...as long as you promise it gets better."
"It does. Now where was I..."

"Every time her mother was occupied elsewhere, Harry would take advantage of young Violet. He threatened to kill her if she uttered a word to anymore. Violet being the sensitive soul that she was continued doing what he wanted silently. Every time he called for her a part of her heart would be torn away. Eventually her brain began to fade to blackness. Her life overtaken by grief. One day, an exact year later. Violet decided to do something to end her misery."

"And as she felt that something glide into her step brother's chest, she knew that she had succeeded to freedom."

"She watched as Harry's eyes widened in surprise. She listened as he screamed in pain. She smelled his fear leaking from his skin. And well...you get the picture. As she pulled that knife out. She was no longer the same person."

"She pulled Harry's body through the hissing rain. She was lucky that her mother was far away. Harry's blood coated her body. She pulled and pulled. Eventually reaching a pond in a forest by her house. She grinned down at her step brother. He was still alive, barely. She looked towards the sigh and took in a deep breath before pushing his body into the murky depths of the pond. He floated and spluttered for a moment before going still and sinking to the bottom. Never to be seen again."

"After dumping his body in the pond, she panted from the excursion. She looked up towards the stars in the sky and ignored the rain pounding against her eyes. From that night onwards she was changed. People called her pocessed. She went on a rampage, all kindness and good removed from her soul. People called her the 'linker'. She murdered anyone that had a connection to her step brother. Anyone that was related to those people. Eventually she killed her own mother."

"Nice. You listen to some freaky ass stories Bitten."
"Anoright. Ah but that isn't the ending."
"It isn't?"

"After killing many people, she was caught. It turns out that Sam was the leader of a group trying to stop her. He tried to convince her to stop but it was too late. She attacked him and caused him severe injuries. However before he died, he stabbed her in the blackness that was her heart and pushed her into the pond that began everything. She was never seen again."

"However some people say they still hear her screams of pain and deceit as the water filled her lungs."
Silence fills the air as this last comment registers in her friends brains.
"You know Bitten, you listen to some pretty morbid shit."
"I know I do Kelle. Isn't it exciting?"
"No. It's fucking freaky."
"Aw Fury, don't be like that."

"But it's weird. And are you finished now?"
"No, there's one more thing."

"Apparently, once a year, Violet emerges from her grave to kill those who have a link. However she is unlike the Violet of the past. She is a stalking, deadly, morphed monster who will stop at nothing to make sure her job is complete."

O_O Scarred for life, scarred for life, scarred for life...
ReplyDeleteBut that was SO COOL =D
Glad you liked it. ;] Too me way too long to edit. Ugh. >_<
ReplyDelete*took. I fail. D:
ReplyDeleteOoo that last picture is freaky, RUN SIMSELVES RUNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete*cackles evilly*
ReplyDeleteAhaha, i didn't realise that was Coyadre xD Nice one!
ReplyDeleteAre there gonna be cameo's throughout the story? I likes them =D
ooo. That face is gorgeous. <3 Much love. These series is amazing.
ReplyDeleteWhat's wrong Fuzzy? :3
ReplyDeleteAnd on another note, did anyone notice something strange about the last pictures of sie girls?
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA. So you did notice? D:
ReplyDeleteOnly after you said >_<
ReplyDeleteFail. :)
ReplyDeleteFack off :P
ReplyDeleteYa, I noticed the monster lady in the background and was about to tell you when I realized she was there on purpose. :) Awesome story!